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How to bleed your radiators

Remove any trapped air from your radiators to improve their efficiency

How to bleed your radiators

Bleeding your radiators is an important part of maintaining your heating system. This simple process helps to remove any trapped air in your radiators, which can reduce their efficiency and cause them to heat unevenly. Bleeding your radiators can help improve their performance and keep your home warm and comfortable. In this article, we'll provide a step-by-step guide on how to bleed your radiators.

Step 1: Prepare your tools
You'll need a radiator key, which is a small tool that fits into the bleed valve on your radiators. You can purchase a radiator key from most hardware stores. You'll also need a cloth or rag to catch any drips of water.

Step 2: Locate the bleed valves
The bleed valves are located on the top of your radiators and are usually small, round valves with a square or hexagonal shape. They may also have a small screw in the center.

Step 3: Turn off the heating system
Before you start bleeding your radiators, it's important to turn off your heating system. You can do this by turning off the thermostat or by turning off the heating system at the boiler.

Step 4: Open the bleed valve
Insert the radiator key into the bleed valve and turn it counterclockwise. You should hear a hissing sound as the trapped air escapes. Once the hissing stops, water should start to drizzle out.

Step 5: Collect the water
Place the cloth or rag under the bleed valve to catch any drips of water. Keep turning the key until a steady stream of water is flowing out of the valve.

Step 6: Close the bleed valve
Once the water is flowing steadily, close the bleed valve by turning the key clockwise. Don't overtighten the valve, as this can cause damage.

Step 7: Repeat the process
Repeat the process for each radiator in your home. You may also need to bleed your radiators if your heating system has been turned off for a while, or if you've noticed that your radiators are heating unevenly.

In conclusion, bleeding your radiators is an important part of maintaining your heating system. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your radiators are working at their best and keep your home warm and comfortable. If you have any doubts or concerns, it's always best to consult a professional heating engineer.

Get in touch

Christine: 07870 547357

Sarah: 07770 769246

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